5472 COND MTR 1/3HP 1075RPM
US Motors , 5472, Motor, Fan & Blower Motor Application, 1/5 to 3/4 hp, 208 to 230 V, 4.1 A, 60 Hz Frequency, 1 pH, 1075 rpm Speed, 48Y Frame, Ball Bearing, Ring/Stud Mounting, 5.6 in Dia Dimensions,
Part #165002

5472 COND MTR 1/3HP 1075RPM
US Motors , 5472, Motor, Fan & Blower Motor Application, 1/5 to 3/4 hp, 208 to 230 V, 4.1 A, 60 Hz Frequency, 1 pH, 1075 rpm Speed, 48Y Frame, Ball Bearing, Ring/Stud Mounting, 5.6 in Dia Dimensions,
Part #165002
- Brand:Â US MotorsAmperage Rating:Â 4.1 AApplication Type:Â Fan & Blower MotorBearing Type:Â BallDimensions:Â 5.6 in DiaFrame:Â 48YFrequency Rating:Â 60 HzHorsepower:Â 1/5 to 3/4 hpManufacturer Name:Â Nidec Motor CorporationMounting Type:Â Ring/StudPhase:Â 1 phSpeed:Â 1075 rpmVoltage Rating:Â 208 to 230 V